Gene analyses are used for the prevention, early detection and treatment of diseases and can help to neutralize congenital disease risks.

An analysis of the relevant genes can help to determine the probability of a disease. The knowledge gained can then be used, among other things, to take appropriate preventive measures at an early stage.

The sample is obtained by a mouth swab and sent to the laboratory. The laboratory analyzes the sample. The gene variants, known to play a major role in individual risks, are examined.

The results can be used to determine the likelihood of a patient developing a disease and what measures should be taken in terms of antioxidant intake and general diet.

Once the analysis has been successfully completed, the test results are summarized in a clear written report. Specific recommendations for effective prevention are also given.

In this way, the individual analyses can help to identify existing risks at an early stage and to adapt the personal lifestyle accordingly.

The sample taken is analyzed for risks from a wide range of health areas:

Nutrition: in this way, we obtain important information about individual strengths and weaknesses, which have an influence on the utilization of various nutrients and should be taken into account when choosing the right foods.

Weight loss: The analysis provides information about the influence of genes on body weight and shows which individual adaptations lead to successful weight loss.

Alzheimer's analysis provides information on how high the individual risk of developing Alzheimer's disease is.

Macular Degeneration Analysis

Breast health analysis shows how high the individual risk of developing breast cancer is and helps to ensure optimal prevention and treatment.

Gluten analysis provides information on whether there is an increased risk of gluten intolerance due to a genetic defect.

Iron analysis reveals whether the body is absorbing too much iron and is at increased risk for developing hemochromatosis.

Joint analysis indicates an increased risk for inflammatory joint disease.

Lactose analysis shows if there is lactose intolerance.

Prostate health provides information on how high the risk of developing prostate cancer is.

Bowel health determines the individual risk of bowel cancer.

Depression analysis

Lung health determines the individual risk of lung cancer.
Skin analysis shows the individual risk of getting skin cancer.

Medication analysis shows which medications are likely to cause side effects and thus helps to determine the appropriate treatment.

Cardiovascular/blood pressure analysis provides information on how high the individual risk is for cardiovascular disease and increased blood pressure.

Thrombo analysis provides information on whether defects in relevant genes lead to an increased risk of thrombosis.

Diabetes analysis indicates the risk of developing diabetes.

Osteoporosis analysis determines how high the risk for osteoporosis is.

Toxo analysis provides information on how the body can neutralize harmful substances and how detoxification can be optimized.




Monday 03pm–06pm
Tuesday 08am–02pm
and 04pm-07pm
Wednesday 08am–03pm
Thursday 08am-12am
Friday 08am-02pm
and by arrangement


AdressMaria-Treu-Gasse 2/2
1080 Vienna

Phone0670 6082270
